Treating Autoimmune Disease with Chinese Medicine

Treating Autoimmune Disease with Chinese Medicine

Hardback Published on: 29/10/2010
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TREATING AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES WITH CHINESE MEDICINE clearly describes the integration of Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. This book clearly describes how Chinese medicine can treat autoimmune diseases by clearly presenting recommendations for acupuncture point and herbal treatment when the patient presents with different symptoms, different blood results and may be taking different medications. Written by highly qualified, American-based practitioners with long experience of working in both Chinese and Western medical environments Addresses the use of Chinese medicine in a wide range of autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis Includes treatments using both acupuncture and Chinese herbs

  • Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
  • ISBN: 9780443069741
  • Number of pages: 320
  • Weight: 885g
  • Dimensions: 246 x 189 x 20 mm

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