Beyond Pilgrim Souvenirs and Secular Badges

Beyond Pilgrim Souvenirs and Secular Badges: Essays in Honour of Brian Spencer

Hardback Published on: 08/07/2007
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Brian Spencer, former Keeper of the Museum of London, was a major scholar of medieval popular culture. He almost single-handedly established the study of pilgrim souvenirs and secular badges. He defined what these objects were and ascertained their function, manufacture, style, and iconography with a careful use of primary documents and intricate stylistic analysis. He identified every major souvenir and badge discovered in Great Britain during the last few decades. He also made prominent contributions to the field of seal matrices, gaming pieces, and horse paraphernalia. What bound all of these interests together was his understanding that the study of these artefacts could shed light on the beliefs and practices of a large number of people. This is reflected in the frequency with which his work is cited. This volume is a collection of essays written by those who worked with Brian directly and those with whom he corresponded.

  • Publisher: Oxbow Books
  • ISBN: 9781842172353
  • Number of pages: 208
  • Weight: 689g
  • Dimensions: 242 x 170 x 20 mm

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